Dawn to dusk in Hampi

Queen's Bath Hampi

By looking at nomad farmers along rice fields in the morning sun the world of materialism falls thousand miles away. After a chilling walk in the neighborhood all you need is a hearty breakfast and a friendly talk to kick-off with the day around a town called champion. Hop on your vehicle and let your driver take you to wonderland.

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From AM to PM strolling the streets of Vicenza

Overdosing pasta and Carpaccio Italian style– part I.

A city pervaded by a great architect’s designs. A city amongst the wealthiest in the Northern part of the boot. With Verona to the west and Padova to the east Vicenza is often overlooked by the mass tourism, so luckily it managed to preserve its old charm. The winding cobblestone streets without the maddening crowds of visitors, gothic and renaissance arcades, hidden villas, elegant cafés, tiny shops coupled with the unparalleled architecture definitely put the city on the “must-see in Italy” list for all off the beaten track travelers. Among lots of small and medium size museums, graceful villas and churches I managed to find those hidden treasures I was looking for.

Vicenza Piazza dei Signori

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Paris lies in the details

This is the place where modern meets traditional and Gothic meets Art Deco. The fascinating architecture of Paris makes the city one of a kind in Europe and throughout the world. Be it Renaissance or contemporary, stone or metal structure looking at the details will make you adore the city more than ever before.

Paris and Seine from aboveParis from bird’s eye view

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Paris – eclectic mix of cultures and art

No time would be long enough to discover all the beauties, major and off-tracks, splendid buildings and tiny shops Paris hides. To try to make the most out of it, a well-constructed list and a detailed map were my best travel companions when I visited (came in very handy indeed). Yet so many things left undiscovered for now but not for ever.

Paris Eiffel Tower from sidestreet

Eiffel Tower sneak peek

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Valletta – an upcoming art scene in the Mediterranean

Beyond guidebooks around the Maltese islands (part I.)

Traveling to Malta for the umpteenth time? Staying longer than a short-term vacationer? Living on the rock for over 14 months, within weeks I’ve finished off all the sightseeing the guidebooks had to offer. Then I put the map and a bottle of water in my bag and let the roads take me wherever they had to take me. Out of this experience I’m starting a series of alternative trips around the islands to share some handy tips with fellow travelers.

Valletta balconiesProtecting residents

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Beat Generation

It was a journey back in time, stepping into a rather hallucinatory universe of young intellectuals, hipsters, rebels, artists. The world of the Beat generation.

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